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Postop Glansplasty: Frequently Asked Questions



What kind of activity is ok postop?

  • Activity: Avoid any activity or position that puts strain or tension on your incisions. Examples: sit-ups, pull-ups.

  • Pain is the body’s way of telling you a certain movement or position hurts; listen to your body and limit those positions and movements.

  • Walking is encouraged (about 1 hour per day; example: 6 ten-minute walks).

  • No jogging for 6 weeks; start slowly and gradually increase to your pre-surgery


When can I resume sexual activity?

  • Avoid sexual activity for 6 weeks.


When can I return to work?

  • Return to work: for desk dominant jobs, many can return to work when their pain is well controlled (usually 1 week after surgery). For jobs that are strenuous, 4-6 weeks off may be more appropriate.


When can I shower?

  • Showering: may shower in 2 days; no baths/pools for 6 weeks; avoid water hitting directly on the graft site of the glans for 1 week.


What kind of underwear would be best?

  • Frequently patients are provided mesh underwear with gauze; this can be removed and/or discarded a few hours later or the following day.

  • Underwear: When wearing underwear, it may be more comfortable to have gauze over the incision(s). Slightly loose boxer briefs tend to work well. 


How should I position the penis?

  • Penis positioning: Gently supporting the penis is ideal and this can be achieved with mesh underwear or slightly loose boxer briefs or similar underwear. Don’t smash the penis and avoid prolonged dangling of the penis.


When can I drive?

  • Driving: Do not drive while taking prescription pain meds; therefore, don’t drive yourself until you are completely off prescription pain meds.




When can I remove the strips from the abdomen incision?

  • There will be steri-strips around your abdomen incision; this will slowly peel in 7
    days and can be removed in the shower at that time.

  • If there is purple skin glue instead, the glue will slowly peel in 3-7 days and can be removed at that time.

How do I care for the glans incision?

  • For the skin graft behind the glans ridge, xeroform is placed over the graft after surgery.

    • Xeroform is a yellow gauze placed behind the ridge on top of the skin graft. This is meant to stay on for 3-7 days. If it falls off early, apply a new xeroform gauze behind the ridge directly onto the skin graft. If you don't have this gauze, an alternative management strategy is to apply ointment like aquaphor daily or twice daily for 7 days. Avoid rubbing the graft; gently apply the ointment. If there's purple glue behind the glans ridge, applying ointment is not required.


How long will it take the sutures to dissolve or fall out?

  • The sutures will dissolve or fall out about 6-12 weeks after surgery.

  • If they are sticking out and easy to cut, it is ok to cut the suture, so it doesn't get caught on your clothing.




I suspect I may have an infection. How do I know and what should I do?

  • Infection: symptoms including redness spreading beyond the incision combined with worsening swelling and pain, and sometimes fever (defined as higher than 101°F) are consistent with infection; notify your surgeon. If you notice chest pain or lightheadedness with these symptoms, go to the ER and/or call 911.


I am bleeding from the surgical site; is this normal?

  • Bleeding: scant oozing can occur and can be seen for several weeks after surgery from any of the incisions. If the drainage is bright red and dripping, this requires holding pressure over the bleeding site (usually a skin edge around the ridge) for about 5 minutes at a time (similar to holding pressure on a paper cut--not too light, not too intense). It should stop. If it doesn’t, it may require an additional 5 minutes. Notify your surgeon if the bleeding continues.


There is a small wound opening near my incisions; what should I do?

  • Wound separation: if this occurs, use ointment like aquaphor on the open wound and apply it 1-2 x per day. Medihoney and sometimes antibiotic ointment is also ok. This should heal in 2-4 weeks.

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