Scrotoplasty BEFORE & AFTER Photographs
Scrotoplasty is performed by making rotational advancement flaps with majora tissue. Please note that intraoperative photos are included and may be uncomfortable to view for some.
Scrotoplasty performed by surgeon who did not use rotational advancement flap technique
R and L majora tissue dissected free, and scrotum made more pouchlike and positioned more anteriorly.
Majora tissue sewn in midline to preserve tissue for stage 2 phalloplasty where native penis is buried, nerve dissected, and majora flaps created to make a pouchlike, anteriorly positioned scrotum and flat perineum.
Majora tissue sewn in midline to preserve tissue for stage 2 phalloplasty where native penis is buried, nerve dissected, and majora flaps created to make a pouchlike, anteriorly positioned scrotum and flat perineum.
Patient's right scrotum hung lower than his left side. A diamond/oval shaped incision was made to excise the excess skin and the wound closed to bring the right scrotal tissue higher up.
Right and Left Scrotum now are more even and the patient reported fewer instances of the right scrotum causing discomfort.