Implants BEFORE & AFTER Photographs
Malleable Penile Prostheses (MPPs) and Inflatable Penile Prostheses (IPPs) are inserted about 9-12 months after phalloplasty. Testis implants can be inserted at the same time of IPP/MPP or can be placed earlier at time of glanplasty.

Patient C had RF phalloplasty (1 yr prior) and glansplasty with testis implants (6 months prior)

Patient C implant is fully inflated and then deflated after surgery to make sure the implant is functioning properly

Patient D implant is fully inflated and then deflated after surgery to make sure the implant is functioning properly

Monsplasty done at time of inflatable implant surgery makes placing the implant easier in many circumstances

The inflatable implant is fully inflated and the mons incision is closed, lifting the genitals to a more anatomic location and allowing a more straight erection.

Patient F had phalloplasty elsewhere and wanted us to place a malleable penile prosthesis (MPP) aka semirigid and testis implants.

Penis girth has been enhanced by the MPP and there is less wrinkling of the penile skin.

Side view demonstrating >90 degree erection. Erection angles vary depending on anatomy of each individual.

Underside view demonstrating pouchlike scrotum

Shiny fluid is antiseptic prep fluid used to minimize risk of infection. Mons marking delineates tissue to be excised.

Better view of scrotum with anterior incision for palcement of medium sized testis implant.